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9:49 AM
Why why why? Every year at this period of time, my stomach will go wild? D: ! No no no ! I spent most of my time sleeping yesterday. && I realized that I update a post a day later than the actual date . Sorry Jelissa I'm unable to go to your birthday BBQ. P.S : Happy 15th Birthday to Jelissa & 20th birthday to my sister (: P.S-P.S:// So we're not gonna..? |
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10:42 AM
Oh well, yesterday most of the camp facilitators turned up for the PSLE result. We met there and went to Buangkok there to fly kite. The weather is so hot that shun us away to Hougang Mall. Yt, marc, sy and I played some Cotton On fashion games. Pretty raped by the singlet.Headed to Farrer park [xd house] to sing some crazy xiaowei parody. Watch it on facebook haha! I was chatting with ChengYee, she was like guessing my birthday day. So she's like issit closer to 3 or 5? I says nearer to 3, she replied 4. So it's 12435 now? haha! :X See I posted, wakakakakas! Don't down my stars =x |
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7:37 AM
Day 1 I was so excited that I didn't sleep the previous night! Nah, actually I'm having insomnia. Thanks to KJ, who spent his time over the night to accompany me. 6.30 am, we were locked outside PPS gate, as there was no key to open the gates. Fortunately , the aunty had the side gate keys. As soon as we entered the hall, we changed into our facilitators' shirt. It was in black, pretty hot! Familiar faces just keep coming up as time goes tick tock. Primary 6 came up too and grouping them was pretty tough. It took longer time than last year. Of course, the first item was ice-breaking, we introduced ourselves and played whackoo! & Blow Wind Blow in one of the groups. Group cheer , and group name is made soon. Breakfast time, gotta eat sandwitch heh! After breakfast, I quickly rushed to my station - Scissors paper stone , flour fight. You should know what it means by the name already. It means the loser will get flour on their faces. It's pretty fun, however I'm so innocent that I just kept on get flour on my shirt and face. They just don't know how to aim at their friends! Also fortunately , I have Dua Wei and Jeremiah who is kind enough to help me out during the games, and clearing up the mess after. --Lunch-- After lunch, it was game time again. I have another station and fortunately to say, it was located with Shimin , Jovian and Huihang's place! My game was called Animal Call - I give them 2-5 types of Animal , with them blindfolded, they gotta make noise and find the same type of animal back as fast as they could. --Bath time-- I slept while the P6s are bathing. I fell sick. After their bath, it was movie screening. The movie is 'ZombieLand' it is a 'scary' yet comedy movie. It is to scare them for the nightwalk later! -Night Walk - I'm supposed to stay outside the IT resource room and give them a password that struck with a virus. Pretty easy however 11pm we have to stop all activities as we disturbed the neighbourhood. -Their sleep time!- We had our duties as usual, Marcus and I caught 11 kids for not sleeping. Well he didn't care the reason, he just wanna scare them. Red Bull makes us flyyyyyyy! We got super super super high in the midnight, and ran around like maddies! ---------------- Day 2 Exercise time for P6s! I slept during it . =x! -Waterbomb!!! - I woke up and drank a can of REDBULL, it does gives us wings. We got super high and threw several water bombs, pails and water gun woohoo! Everyone get wet, noone leaves dry except shimin :S! -Lunch and washup - Was at canteen, beside Marcus, getting high again after drinking Red Bull. Giving the P6s their makan cheer, redbull also did their cheer! Woot!!! Poor YuanTing has to do her duty, it was pretty dirty D: , proud of her! Some chats here are *Not to be seen* LOL! Later kana scolded. Marcus gave them freedom after lunch , to let them play around and we[facil] got to do whatever we want. I played basketball , and suddenly felt pretty unwell . It went back to IT resource room and tries to sleep. My insomnia just can't get me into sleep. I requested Marcus to let me go early, and he allowed. That's how my camp ends! Heh ^^ P.S // I didn't go Prom Night people, I will not regret. |
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8:23 PM
Why did I say so? Well, I get to stay home peacefully, enjoying what's an usual life. It's so nostalgic, I recollected my childhood, looking out the window when it was raining. Stuck under the roof, wonders and wonders. Rain enhances sleep. Sleeping on an untouched, cold mattress and slowly dragged into sugarish dreams. So beautiful isn't it? I don't have to rush and panic when I'm late, as always. It's just so carefree, and the feeling is just so great like having orgasm.[gosh] Alright, that's all. I don't mind being bored, I just love my current lifestyle x) P.S: You made me happy everyday. |
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12:07 AM
Friday!! It's like weekend! It does not feel like it this time. No school , no friends, no Mr.Farid, or even some usual texts . Oh well, I adapted a habit to wake at 8 every morning. Just text and text whoever[ Thank you for spending your time with me ] , I'm really dead without you peeps. Dragged my feet , set on my usual routine, brushed teeth, eat breakfast, sat in front of the dead and shiny screen. Engine started, 'GunboundAmerica - playing against people who are right under my feet [12hours away]' Well, was just about to get started for some League of Legend - first game, I used Zilean . It's a pretty tricky and nice champion to play with. However, only get to play for a match as it is down to maintainence till 2A.M GST+8 . Sigh, really bad day I guess, it was bad friday last week ! Not this! Gotta force myself watching some movies, while waiting for Maplesea patch, well you can think how bored I can get, even my blog post is getting draggy too ! Nights nights, no more draggy chat :D http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ P.S : I just can't. |
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3:58 PM
Rain rain rain ! Just love it , makes me wanna sleep! Bye people XD TAG TAG TAG TAG TAG PLEASE! Because I miss you guys D:! P.S// Everything is so unexpected. However, I'll still be there even it's unexpected. |
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9:36 AM
It's very fun ! But I'm very lousy too!! JigSaw puzzle2 , play it when you are really bored! It really kills time! D: I lost one game, the other game was left for clarissa to play while I'm out. When I'm back , she's off. Thus I completed it :D Picturesssssss ![]() ![]() |
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9:32 AM
I soooooooooo have this feeling to cut my hair today! Oh yea! I dyed my hair to some weird colors. D: |
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3:52 PM
Went to Pulau Ubin just now to had our breakfast, well seafood. Cool! The food there was fantastic! No joke, I'mma bring some of ya go there eat soon! Meeting mummy later ! :D Continue posting soon.. P.S : I'm getting back to my old self since the change, are you happy or disappointed with me? Text me if you read this, you know who you are. >< |
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8:59 AM
Well yesterday, woke up at 6am just for Shimin to be able to leave her house at 6.30 am. We headed to AMK hub, for some Mac Breakfast. Stayed in jovian's house for quite some time to watch Television first. Then after the show, we went down to get some swim. It was pretty embarass that I couldn't swim. Thus, they taught me how to, but I can't get my 2nd breathe every time. Went up his house to relax at Jaguzzze and Had pastamania at the rooftop after then. I got sunburnt D: . P.S/ Trying to get my tagboard up |
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7:51 PM
Played fishville , LOL, and some msn games :D I find jigsaw Two was fun even though it's really an eye sore. >< ![]() Good friday ! |
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7:43 PM
Watched 2012 yesterday with Clarissa and Jovian at Cathay Cineleisure. It was a 2 h 37 m movie. I don't know how to rate it , maybe 3.5 stars. They talked too fast, I don't even know the characters name except Gordon. Before the movie, there was a downpour at the moment we reached somerset . We had difficulties convincing Clar walk under rain though ;x However we did! Yeah ! :D After the movie, we were wandering off ourselves testing our sense of directions, thankfully we found ion by walking. Time flies, Clar wanted to go home and watch 'Polo Boys' on channel 5. Left Jovian at Ion to meet Shimin later while I sent Clar home. Quickly rushed back to find them as it is getting late. I actually lost my way to FarEast plaza. Thank god, we met, thanks nv er for the treat of Carls' Jr fillet. It was my breakfast at the time 9pm. I had it at shaw house. Walked to Orchard central, 11th storey is opened this time! However, Shimin had to leave early as her brother is stuck outside the doorstep. So I sent her home again as we live near to each other. :D end of 12th november. |
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2:53 PM
Tired, lazy post . =D Dead blog w/o taggy sorry shili LOL |
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10:33 PM
Blinded post |
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10:32 PM
TUESDAY - Went out with yingsi & co. for some steamboat, met around played around. was sitting with someone dangerous!! beware!! :X |
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10:32 PM
Went gym with the 2 piglets, then NYP to grab some cheap food. After then went to jovian's house go amk hub to order some cakes for jov's mum birthday, well same as my mum de xD . Then watched astroy boy and went home to play LOL with him =D |
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11:17 PM
Olevel is like unofficially over! Generally everyone's life! I hope I could get a tagboard fixed in my blog, bearbearbear! Geog is the love <3 Forest is our green lungs :D! Jealous right? hehehehe. Met 小BANG and DJ, it was kind of awkward, because it's first time meeting. Hope she don't xian me hehehe! I like 小BANG'S hair ! I don't care I'm gonna keep the same as hers. I'll be as socialise as i used to.. :} Went to towntowntowntowntown , with the 4 little piggies ! It's like a finally day! wiipppeeeee ok bye. lazy post. Bought a purple checked shirt ;x P.S/ SRY SHARZZZZZ , thanks for forgiving me <3 |
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11:08 PM
The last farewell to my onsugar account ! :D and olevels! Currently no tagboard D:! P.S - BANGBANG !!! =] |