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12:07 AM
Friday!! It's like weekend! It does not feel like it this time. No school , no friends, no Mr.Farid, or even some usual texts . Oh well, I adapted a habit to wake at 8 every morning. Just text and text whoever[ Thank you for spending your time with me ] , I'm really dead without you peeps. Dragged my feet , set on my usual routine, brushed teeth, eat breakfast, sat in front of the dead and shiny screen. Engine started, 'GunboundAmerica - playing against people who are right under my feet [12hours away]' Well, was just about to get started for some League of Legend - first game, I used Zilean . It's a pretty tricky and nice champion to play with. However, only get to play for a match as it is down to maintainence till 2A.M GST+8 . Sigh, really bad day I guess, it was bad friday last week ! Not this! Gotta force myself watching some movies, while waiting for Maplesea patch, well you can think how bored I can get, even my blog post is getting draggy too ! Nights nights, no more draggy chat :D http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ P.S : I just can't. |