0 comment(s) / 11:17 PM

Olevel is like unofficially over! Generally everyone's life! I hope I could get a tagboard fixed in my blog, bearbearbear!

Geog is the love <3 Forest is our green lungs :D! Jealous right? hehehehe. Met 小BANG and DJ, it was kind of awkward, because it's first time meeting. Hope she don't xian me hehehe! I like 小BANG'S hair ! I don't care I'm gonna keep the same as hers. I'll be as socialise as i used to.. :}

Went to towntowntowntowntown , with the 4 little piggies ! It's like a finally day! wiipppeeeee ok bye. lazy post. Bought a purple checked shirt ;x

P.S/ SRY SHARZZZZZ , thanks for forgiving me <3

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