0 comment(s) / 12:30 AM

The day has finally arrived!

Ip Man 2!

It was a great movie, I swear! It's like one of the greatest movie of all in a while. All I can say is that just get a pair of movie ticket with your friends and catch it NOW! My tickets cost me 18 dollars and it came with IpMan and IpMan 2 with free flow of pop corns and coke.

Oh well! [Before the movie] After school, 3.30pm I rushed home to get a change and a jacket for the movie. Met up with Shawn Titus ChinSeng and David again in front of Truimph -.-" Immediately, we went to the pool beside AMK Hub. David was god and I bet he faked as a beginner! He's like those kind who achieved 50 medals in 2 days! When we're about to pay for the pool, Shawn took the table card away, and we need to wait for him AGAIN! Oh well! XD

That's all, kthxbye! :D

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