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8:03 PM
Guess who's back? It is back, yes it's back. B..bb...b...b..b..b....BANNNN-TIP-TOE POCKET! NORH way!?!?!? Yeah yeah , it's back at a more reasonable price! ANDAND i eat no sauce at the top of it! It was Wednesday, my favourite day of the week now. Basically I dismiss early on that day of the week and start late. && I can meet baby (: . Yesterday, while eating lunch at KFC, we encountered Brendan from 1E1 along with his friend, Bernard {way smarter than brendan}. He was like calling Jovian , Jofer and he claims that ZhiYong mathematics is horrible. WRONGWORNGWRONG! DUMBASS! :D Ate the delicious yummy soSHIAWNlicious [So PRIME <3 ] Bandito Pocket . Yesyesyesyesyes <3 After lunch , we marched our way back to school just to have a little of basketball for me though.. Met baby, and went to my house to study :D. Then officially together ! :D:D o1o7o9 . o5:40 <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo Byeeees ! <3 |