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You guys must be wondering where shawn died to right? Yeap I died! That's right, because of my E-amusement park card lost [arcade card , the profile kind] . It also means I'm gonna save my money every Saturday! :D Unfortunately, no jubeat for me.

Why comics posting everyday?
Because to fill in my activeness and livelihood to my blog. Sounds wrong but yeah still wrong words ;p .

What were I doing the past few days?
Playing games such as Gunbound and Dragonica. Not forgetting about my studies, I revise on social studies Chapter 2~4 [sec 3] this week , 40 chemistry questions and 1 exercise for A-math per day. Starting on weak subjects help I guess?

Why didn't I post every day?
My time management to my cyber world is so tight that I had dragged in the most little bit of my time to blog to my gamings, and even neglect my friend's birthday, Happy belated birthday peggy ;]. Neglection makes me realise that I should not play too much, it makes me lost track of the days and even time! Words cannot be made in time.

What did I do for the day ?
Study and playing in a balanced manner.

What about holidays?
Studies , playing , and hanging out with friends for sports and catch some movies. However as each days pass, I have to give up my time on studies. Who will want to disappoint their own self?

Oh yeah , it's such a delight to hear Jinjie is doing fine and starts studying next week. He kind of nag me about studies which amazed me much.

Comics of the day :
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

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