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10:26 PM
I am gonna type out a story.. Well, lazy XD! It is a quite long period of time since I had posted on my birthday. Well today, I had my chemistry[dead yet lucky] and E-maths paper. E-maths is the swag eh! I swear , I hope I can get an A1 to satisfy my own needs. [sounds wrong though] After the chemistry paper, Zhi Yong expected me to say 'it's easy' , yet I said I'm dead. He seems shocked. Due to the H1N1 orange alert a week ago, we had 'enjoyed' our 1hour 20 minutes recess by discussing about dragonica in the library, super NERD! During the E-maths paper, I was so delighted that I slack the whole paper. So at the last 10 minutes, and I know I can finish the last question [ actually the easiest one as i skipped it] Mr Terence yelled rightttt beside my ears. I jumped and said cheebye. E-ray laughed at me, the rest of the class was kinda shocked that I said cheebye out of no where. Good luck all in MYE, A-maths and Physics tomorrow. They're loved ! :) |