0 comment(s) / 7:28 PM

The weather is soooooooooooooooo HOT!

Oh ya, P.E we had our 5 stations,well... actually three. Guess what? Out of 3 I passed 2 , amazingly alright! Later on, we had chinese listening comprehension, seriously.

Dead on the spot

Alright alright, due to early birthday celebrations for jovian. I had to act that I am meeting chester at Hougang Point [actually no] ,pass the booklet to him and go home. Well, Jovian fell for that actually. I went to HP to buy a mini mango birthday cake for him. He actually believed that I'm going home and started cursing me on phone. Surprise to him, I came from the back and showed him the birthday cake. He seems shocked and hugged me warmly. I felt LOVE! LOL!

Yeap , after all this. I'm posting here,

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